Hi! I'm Katie Ravenwood.

I'm a Data Analyst.

Data tells a story, and I love taking that information and finding out what story it has to tell. From engineering to analysis to visualization, I enjoy the processes that allow my curiosity to find solutions and ask new questions.

Skills: Python, R, SQL, Excel, Tableau, Git

Latest Projects

Maven Airlines Dashboard

Dashboard created for the Maven Analytics Maven Airlines competition. The objective was to create a one-page dashboard reporting the results of a customer satisfaction survey with data-driven recommendations for improving their customer satisfaction rating.

View the project on Tableau Public
Selected Skills:
  • Data Visualization: Tableau

Spotify x Billboard 5-Year Analysis Project

My research partner Bianca Serrano and I were curious whether people had changed their listening habits during the COVID-19 pandemic, so we built a dataset using Spotify's public API and the most popular tracks from the Billboard Top 200 Album charts for the past five years. We're using this data to examine listening trends and feature correlation (regression), classify and group playlist tracks using machine learning algorithms (KMeans, KNN, random forests), and visualize findings using R, Python and Tableau.

View the project on GitHub
Selected Skills:
  • Project Management (Git, Agile)
  • Dataset Creation (JSON, Python, Excel)
  • Data Analysis (Python, R)
  • Data Visualization (Python, R, Tableau)
  • Presentation (Office, Zoom, OBX)

About Me

Hello. Nice To Meet You.

I'm a data scientist with a background of more than two decades in design, front end development, education and music performance and administration.

Katie Ravenwood

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